Article - I -Name
N The
Central Gospel Assemblies of
Pakistan (Here in after referred to as CGA) No-Profit, non denominational ministry. Its head office
is at Christopher House, Toghii Road Quetta Pakistan.
Article - II - Membership
_ Membership in the Pentecostal Charismatic/ Evangelical churches of Pakistan/world shall be open to those groups which subscribe to the statement of Faith are approved for membership and which agree to be governed by (statement of faith principals and purposes and objectives as set forth in the Constitutions and bylaws).
Article - III - Executive Officer
The Executive Officer shall consist of a
Chairman, a General Secretary, a Treasurer, and seven members at-large. These
seven officers shall constitute the Executive Committee. They shall be members
of the Board of Administration by virtue of their office.
Article - IV - Meetings
There shall be an Annual Convention of the CGA at which convention there shall be business meeting for the election of officers and the transaction of business, except for the years of the Central Gospel Assemblies of Pakistan. The Board of Administration shall determine the time and place of the annual meetings. 2. ORDER OF BUSINESS AT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Suggested order of business at annual meeting of the Board of Administration shall be as follows
Article - V - Finances
Article - VI - Local Chapters
Local Chapters of CGA shall be
encouraged. Such local chapters may be organized and
coordinators initially appointed by the Executive Committee. Local Chapters are
encouraged to join together in sponsoring such activities as local pastor’s fellowships,
evangelistic crusades, and Annual Pentecost Celebrations.
Article - VII - Amendments
Amendments to the Constitution may be made at
the annual meeting of the organization by a two-thirds vote, provided the proposed
amendments has been submitted to and approved by the Executive Committee and
the Board of Administration a year advance.
Article - I Executive Officers
Election of executive officers shall be held at each convention of the fellowship. The maximum tenure shall be three consecutive conventions for any one office. 2. ELECTION OF OFFICERS A nominating committee of eight members of the Board of Administration shall be appointed by the chairman to nominate candidates for executive office. All nominations must come through the nominating committee Officers, shall be elected by majority vote of the voting constituency. 3. VACANCIES. Any vacancy occurring in the unexpired term of an executive officer shall be filled by the Board of Administration upon recommendation by the Executive Committee. 4. REMOVAL FROM OFFICE Officers may be removed for just cause by a majority vote of the Executive Committee and notification of the Board of Administration. Article - II - Duties of Executive Officers
To make and keep accurate records of all meetings and to perform such other duties as the office may require. 4. TREASURER.
To carry out the duties assigned by the Chairman and the Executive Board. Article - III - Duties of the Board of Administration
Article - IV - Duties of the Executive Committee